As beautiful as they are, sometimes trees on your property can start causing problems. If you have a tree that starts to encroach on your house or grow into powerlines, for example, it can quickly become a hazard. In this situation, your first thought may be that you’ll have to chop the problem tree down, but sometimes there is another option—a tree transplant!
Moving a tree from one spot on your property to another is a tricky process, but it can be done. Follow these steps below, and your transplant just might make it!
Choose the right time and location for transplant.
When selecting a new spot for your tree, make sure it’s one that not only meets your needs and preferences, but also offers optimal growing conditions for the tree. As far as timing goes, you’ll want to do the transplant while the tree is dormant, which is either in early spring or late fall.
Prune the roots.
Your tree will be losing most of its established root system when you move it. Therefore, the smaller, newer feeder roots close to the trunk will have to do the heavy lifting once the tree is in its new home. Make sure they’re ready by stimulating their growth about 6 months ahead of time with a pruning. To prune the roots, dig a trench around the root ball, cut the roots beneath it as you go, and then replace the soil and water.
Water the soil and dig a new hole.
The day before your tree transplant, water the ground around it to make it softer and easier to dig. Then, dig a new hole for your tree, so everything is ready to go come moving time. The new hole should be 2-3 times the width of the tree’s root ball and 1-2 inches deeper than its depth.
Dig up the tree and move it to its new home.
Dig another trench around the root ball of the tree, but this time you’ll also cut underneath the roots. Lift the tree from underneath and place it on a nearby tarp, or wrap the root ball in burlap for safe transport. Plant the tree in its new hole, water, and add mulch. Depending on the size, you may want to stake the tree for now as well.
The best way to give your tree the greatest chance at survival after transplant is to enlist an experienced arborist to help. At Forest Tree Service, we’ll work with you to find the optimal solutions for your tree problems. Whether you need new trees planted, old trees removed, troublesome trees transplanted, or simple maintenance and pruning, our specialists will have you covered.
Contact us today to get started with a free estimate!