Should You Cut Dead Branches off a Tree?

Professional landscaper performing tree services in Texas

If you’re not educated about trees, you might look at ones in your yard and have no idea what to do about them when you see things like dead branches. “Do I leave them there and not disturb the tree?” “Do I cut them all off?” “Do I call Forest Tree Service and have them… Read more »

What Happens If You Don’t Remove a Tree Stump?

Old Tree Stump

When a tree is removed from a property, sometimes people decide to leave its stump. What happens, though, if they don’t remove the tree stump? A Potentially Dangerous Object Stumps can actually be dangerous. For instance, imagine it’s dark outside but kids are playing tag or catch or some other game. They’re running around in… Read more »

What is Causing My Tree to Die?

Dying Trees

Why do trees die? Like humans and pets, trees get old. They can (and do) die from old age. Perhaps the major difference between humans, pets and trees is the sheer number of years trees can live… some will last centuries. Did you know the Bristlecone Pine can live up to 5,000 years? That’s astounding!… Read more »

Tree Care Myths to Ignore

Tree Care Myths

Unless you do your research and really learn a lot about tree care, you are probably like most people in that you don’t know much about trees, and you’re okay with that– after all, it’s not a topic most people talk about at parties. The only time people really think about the trees on their… Read more »

Tree Trimming Versus Tree Pruning

Tree Trimming vs Tree Pruning

Forest Tree Service of Kingwood, Texas, handles a lot of tree trimmings, stump grindings and more. Did you know that Neil Leuck (who owns the company) once trimmed trees in New York City’s Central Park? Whether it’s serving residential, commercial or municipal clients in and around Kingwood, Forest Tree Service is consistently known for doing… Read more »

How Often Should You Have Tree Pruning Done?

A man in a tree.

If you’re like most people, once in a great while you think to yourself, “How often should I have tree pruning done?” Maybe your yard is tarting to look “overgrown” or “shabby,” and the idea of hiring a professional tree crew from the likes of Forest Tree Service comes to mind… Rule of Thumb With… Read more »

Here’s When You Need Emergency Tree Removal Services

Most people don’t think much about the trees on their property until one of them becomes “an issue,” as in “safety issue.” When is there a need for emergency tree removal services from a company like Forest Tree Service? If a tree looks like it could cause harm to people or things at any moment,… Read more »

How Stump Grinding Services Benefit Homeowners

Did you ever have a zit on your face? If so, you wanted it gone, right? Zits, much like tree stumps, are a nuisance you wish would go just go away. Now some people live in areas where a couple tree stumps in the yard don’t really matter. They’re “out in the country” and have… Read more »

Can Trees Prune Themselves?

Can trees “prune” themselves? To “prune” is to reduce the extent of something by removing superfluous– or unwanted parts. Sometimes trees “prune” themselves, allowing branches to fall to the ground. When this happens, a natural pruning can hit people in the head and/or land on vehicles or homes. Have you ever been around a tree… Read more »